Thursday, December 28, 2006

Rainforest Villages Unify to Protect and Preserve their Land, Traditions and Way of Life

Deep within the Amazon Rainforest in Peru lies a river known as the Rio Pisqui. This isolated river begins at the foot of the Andes and flows to the Rio Ucayali. Along its banks live a number of native communities. For these communities, the future has been changed forever by the official formation of the Rio Pisqui Federation, also known as FECONACURPI, an acronym for Federaction do Communidades Nativas de la Cuenca del Rio Pisqui, and translated as “Federation of Native Communities of the Pisqui River Basin.” The federation consists of 10 communities along a 100-mile stretch of the Rio Pisqui, and is a major step in the unification and empowerment of these communities.

The establishment of this federation legally empowers these 10 villages to have greater sovereignty over the region. It grants them greater authority to protect and preserve the land, plants, animals and bodies of water there, as well as their traditional knowledge and way of life. Part of their objective is to also provide better education for their children and advocate for laws favoring native communities.

April 26, 2006 - The Founding Decree of the Rio Pisqui Federation is Established

The process of establishing the Rio Pisqui Federation was initiated by six native leaders from the region, and involved years of careful consideration and discussion. The first, major milestone in the process was reached on April 26, 2006 when the Founding Decree of the Rio Pisqui Federation was composed. This document, under rights clarified in Peru’s political constitution, established 10 Indigenous communities along the Rio Pisqui as comprising a unified body. The objectives and goals were set forth and a 17-member board of directors was elected on this day.

The Objectives and Goals of the
Rio Pisqui Federation

The Founding Decree outlines the specific objectives and goals of the federation. These include, among others:

  • Protect and promote the integrity of the region while conserving its natural resources
  • Promote bilingual education while maintaining ethnic identity
  • Renew and strengthen traditional and spiritual medicine, including medicinal plants, healers, practices and songs
  • Protect traditional knowledge.
  • Watch over the social dignity and integrity of the native community and its members, food, shelter, health, education and labor
  • Strengthen ties between the communities of the Rio Pisqui, as well as with other native communities and national and international sectors.
  • Work toward a constitution of a native Amazonian organization
  • Promote the organizing of multi-communal enterprises creating a consciousness of solidarity and efficiency.
  • Promote community work and participation through incentives.

The Ten Communities of the Rio Pisqui Federation

Neuvo Eden, La Cumbre, Manco Capac, Charasmana, Tupac Amaru, Vencedor, Irazola, Santa Rosa, 9 do Cotubre, Tres Unidos

June 24, 2006 - Amazon Herb Representatives Help Celebrate the Founding of the Rio Pisqui Federation

After the creation of the Founding Decree, Amazon Herb Company Founder and CEO John Easterling was invited to Nuevo Eden to “swear in” the 17-member board of directors of the new Rio Pisqui Federation. Easterling was invited due to the contributions Amazon Herb Company has made to several native communities in the area including sustainable business partnerships, solar radios and a radio station, naturopathic health care, water filters, and legal support against tree poachers. Upon his return to the USA, Esterling received a formal letter of appreciation from the Rio Pisqui Federation.

Here are the contents of that letter:

June 24, 2006

Mr. John Easterling
Amazon Herb Company

Dear Sir,
As soon as we returned from our business trip to the city of Iquitos, the first thing I am doing is to take the pleasure in writing you these few words of gratitude and to once more express our deepest gratitude for the many attentions received from your worthy company. Words do not suffice to express that your kindness and supportive spirit have eternally sealed our gratitude.

Thank you for all that you and your worthy company have done for us. My only desire and good fortune game me the opportunity of having you in our Native Communities of the Pisqui River, and I know that we will never be able to repay the exquisite care of which we have been the object.

Your friend, Hidelfonso Del Aguila Flores, President of the Federation fo the Rio Pisqui, affectionately greets you.

Reprinted from Amazon Spirit, August 2006 issue, published by The Amazon Herb Company.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Following serious FDA failures, Congress may reward the agency with even more money, regulatory power

by Jerome Douglas

(NewsTarget) Various consumer and patient groups joined with a leading cardiologist to urge quick action from Congress to allow the FDA to gain more power than it has now in order for it to require new warnings on medicines and drug post-approval studies. In addition, witnesses from these groups lobbied for a boost to the FDA's budget.

Sheila Burke, co-chair of an Institute of Medicine panel, said "The absence of that [budget increase] would leave the agency starved for resources ... with unclear authority in terms of being able to deal with the industry." Burke indicated that major reforms to improve the FDA's oversight of medicines after they reach the market was needed in light of recent drug safety concerns similar to Merck's pulling of arthritis pill Vioxx from the market in September 2004.

After Vioxx and other safety controversies, "the American people no longer trust the FDA to protect their health," said Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Steve Nissen. Nissen added that Congress needed to act in order for the FDA to rebuild public trust. FDA spokeswoman Kristen Neese said, "The FDA has done considerable work over the past two years to improve our approach to drug safety, and we are committed to taking additional steps."

"Giving the FDA more money without serious reforms and new accountability is like giving crack to a drug addict," said Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and frequent critic of the FDA. "This agency's utter disregard for public safety poses a threat to the lives of Americans that far exceeds the threat of any terrorist group.

"FDA-approved prescription drugs have killed over half a million Americans since 9/11, and now this Congress wants to give it even more money and power. It indicates just how utterly corrupt our government has become when it comes to making decisions that impact the profits of Big Pharma.

"The problem at the FDA is not a lack of funding," Adams said, "It's a lack of honesty and ethics."

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Amazon Herb Company review: John Easterling, rainforest herbs and more

by: Mike Adams

In this report, I'm going to share with you why I'm so excited about the Amazon Herb Company and what it means for you, your health, our community, and our planet. Recently I had the honor of attending a live presentation by Amazon John, also known as John Easterling, the founder of the Amazon Herb Company I've been watching this company for some time, reading their materials and interviewing a few of their distributors, but I've wanted to meet the founder and find out what kind of character and energy he brings to the equation.

Here's why this is important (and it's also why I am now such a strong advocate of the Amazon Herb Company, even though I'm in no way affiliated with it). When we consume nutritional supplements, we're actually consuming more than the chemical constituents found in those supplements. Foods are more than just the sum of their parts. Foods actually carry a homeopathic element. This element is present in all foods, herbs, supplements or anything you ingest into your body.

It is imprinted onto those foods and supplements by the people who come into contact with them during harvesting, production and marketing. And so it is the intention, mindset and character of these individuals that become imprinted in these products that we ultimately absorb into the cells of our body. Therefore, if we consume nutritional supplements that are manufactured by companies with nothing more than a profit motive, then we absorb the energy of greed (along with the chemical constituents of those nutritional supplements).

In contrast, if you take an herb that has grown in its native natural environment, that has been harvested with care and with sacred intention by those who consider that land to be their home and by people who impart positive intentions onto that plant, and then if that plant is prayed over and imprinted with even more positive intention, and then finally packaged and marketed by a company that also has positive intentions because of the character of its founder, then you have a very different nutritional supplement than the supplement from the greedy company, even if these two supplements contain the exact same chemical constituents. There's a lot more to supplements than just what's listed on the label.

The science behind vibrational nutrition

If you're interested in the science behind this, take a look at a book called, "The Hidden Messages in Water," which discusses the ability of intention and emotion to alter the crystalline shape of frozen water crystals as photographed under a microscope. This book, authored by Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto, shows photographs of various water crystals after having been exposed to different emotions. As the book demonstrates, you can make water look chaotic and dysfunctional by imprinting it with the emotions of hate, greed, anger, or fear. In a similar way, you can make water take on a structure of organization, symmetry, and balance by imprinting it with emotions such as compassion or love. And it is indeed these emotions that are imprinted into the Amazon Herb products.

(Another great book on the subject of homeopathy, by the way, is, "The Memory of Water: Homeopathy and the Battle of Ideas in the New Science" by Michel Schiff. It describes how conventional medicine has pulled out all the stops to discredit homeopathy through deceit and distortion rather than facing up to the hard science that quite solidly proves homeopathy to be a real phenomenon.)

A company leader with the right intention

What I saw recently, in watching John Easterling, demonstrated to me beyond any doubt that these positive, healing intentions are pursued and shared by the founder of the Amazon Herb Company. That's quite remarkable, because I've seen other companies (especially those who use a word-of-mouth distribution model) get lost in the quest for material gain. All too often, some organizations are only about making a buck and growing a bigger organization in order to generate more revenues.

That's the wrong mindset to be ingesting into your body. Greed is a derivative of fear, and fear creates contraction and restriction. Fear causes your body to tense up and restrict its natural flow, and that's part of the cause of a lot of disease we see today. Many diseases are actually the result of stagnation from an energetic point of view. When things aren't moving correctly, whether it's lymph fluid, or your blood, or energy through your nervous system, then you are experiencing disease. But when things are moving well, you're experiencing a state of health. And what causes things to move? Openness, sharing, love, compassion. These kinds of intentions. And these are the emotions that are imprinted in the Amazon Herb products.

So, yes, I'm an advocate of the Amazon Herb Company. But not for the reasons you might have supposed. It's not that they have a great product line, even though they do. It's not that the company is doing a lot of good things for the rainforest, even though that's also true and that's a very important part of their success equation. But I think the primary reason is because it creates a product that has energetic qualities that far surpass any other commercially available nutritional supplement I've ever encountered. What that means is that these products have the ability to alter the way your body metabolizes energy.

Your body is made of energy

If all of this begins to sound a little bit New-Agey, don't fret, it's actually easy to understand from a technical point of view as well. That's because your entire body is nothing but vibrating energy. In fact, if you ask any physicist, he or she will tell you that even the apparent mass in your body is nothing more than probability waves of orbiting electrons that actually have no particles whatsoever. From a technical point of view, your body is 99.999% empty space. There's almost nothing really there!

We also know that homeopathy is very real; this has been scientifically proven through randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled studies, and it has been repeated again and again in various trials conducted on populations around the world. (Recent anti-homeopathy headlines you may have seen in the news were based on a meta-study that cherry-picked unsuccessful homeopathic clinical trials while ignoring successful ones.)

Energetic shifts are accelerated by Amazon Herbs

The implications of all of this are immense. I believe this helps explain why so many people who are using the Amazon Herb products describe the shifts in their health being not just physical but also emotional and energetic in nature. You hear this time and time again if you actually sit down and listen to the people who are using the Amazon Herb products. They will tell you, yes, their aches and pains vanished, and, yes, they were able to overcome chronic disease with these herbs, but more importantly they will describe how their emotions changed. Suddenly they began to feel happy or they felt calm for the first time in years, or they felt grounded and in touch with themselves. These are the kinds of things you hear from people that have undergone an energetic shift, not just a biochemical shift. Thus, it all makes sense, because that's the way in which these herbs are harvested, and that's the intention being imprinted throughout the Amazon Herb organization.

I'm a fairly good judge of character. As an owner of a software company, I've dealt with a lot of people over the years. I've also done a fair amount of work in vibrational medicine, healing through intention, Reiki and so on. I've also learned to listen to my intuition. So I have a fairly good sense of what dominant intentions people are carrying around when I have the chance to observe them and interact with them. One of the most obvious negative energetic postures I notice in people from the conventional medical community is their lack of humility. All too often, their egos get in the way and they carry a belief that they are the most intelligent people in the world, therefore they're the only people qualified to talk about anything related to health.

Sadly, this is a dominant mindset in the conventional medical community, and it's one of the first things I watch out for in assessing whether an individual is coming from a place of personal credibility. With this in mind, I was quite intrigued to watch Amazon John and to recognize that he's a person who is not at all driven by ego. In fact, he's quite humble and he understands full well, just as I do, that we are mere messengers and all we can do in our lives is serve as conduits for the healing gifts of nature. John understands that we are not the originators of these healing gifts, and we deserve no credit for creating them, because it is nature that created them. John sees himself as a facilitator, a bridge between the rainforest and Western civilization, and he explained that role with a great degree of honesty and forthrightness about his own journey.

Honoring a person's life journey and life purpose

The other thing that's important to note in assessing the character of people you'd like to have around you is to learn about their personal journey. What difficulties did they go through and how did they arrive at their current beliefs? How did they acquire the paradigms under which they presently operate? The kind of people that you want to be around, at least in my experience, are people who have been able to confront their own distortions and replace them with new beliefs about their role in the universe.

That's a bit nebulous, so let me explain it a little further: to confront your own illusions means to question your current beliefs about the world around you. Each of us has our own constructs, our own version of reality in which we live and operate, and none of those versions of reality are actually real. They are stories that we tell ourselves, they are patterns in which we function and get along with our lives. But people who are true healers and wise, mature adults are people who are able to face those distortions, question them and arrive at a new, expanded understanding. It doesn't necessarily mean they arrive at the "truth," it just means they expand their awareness and are able to continue on their life journey with this new awareness in an ever-expanding spiral pattern, much like the shell of a marine creature.

This spiral grows and expands as the person's awareness expands. And what I learned about Amazon John was that, early in his life, he was a treasure hunter -- a literal treasure hunter! He would travel to Peru and search for gems, stones and ancient artifacts, and bring them back to the United States to find buyers. At the time, his belief was that these were the treasures of the rainforest. But what we see in John today is a man who recognizes that those treasures were illusions -- that the true treasures of the rainforest were hidden in the plants all this time. These are the treasures of nature, the wealth provided by the healing potential of these plants. And he was able, through a personal transformation process requiring several years, to question his own distortions and arrive at a new understanding of what treasure really means. Today, through the Amazon Herb Company, he is able to communicate that new vision of what treasure really means to the Western world.

That kind of shift in thinking requires a tremendous amount of courage, self-honesty and humility. This is not the kind of personal transformation that you will typically find in the conventional medical community. To many in organized medicine, credibility comes from passing the right exam and graduating from the right school, taking the right tests, getting the right credentials, and so on. But to me, credibility comes from taking a journey and demonstrating that you have the character necessary to be an adult, to grow up, mature, expand your awareness and question your present beliefs. And then, if you're really good, to be able to form new beliefs that better serve the interests of yourself, your community, and the world at large. And that, as I see it, is the path along which Amazon John is traveling.

(By the way, for many people, this sort of empowering shift in beliefs only emerges following a health crisis. All too often, we aren't willing to change our beliefs unless we're facing imminent death, it seems.)

The Amazon Herb products

You'll notice I've said all of this and I haven't even mentioned the Amazon Herb products. Most people who talk about the Amazon Herb Company are focused on the products, and there's nothing wrong with that: they are outstanding products and I'll get to those in a minute. But I consider it to be most important to look at the founder of the company and what that means for the character of the organization and the energy of its products. This is a man who understands the economics of sustainable revenue models for the rainforest; he understands what it means to give back to a community and he understands the business challenges of bringing this to a population here in the United States.

But let's talk about the products for a minute, because that's what gets most people excited about this company. And when it comes to these products, I can speak far more freely about them than Amazon John can. That's because the current regulatory environment in the U.S. does not allow any principal of a company that manufactures these products to make health claims about these products. For myself, on the other hand, since I have absolutely no financial ties with this company whatsoever, and I'm not a distributor of the company, and I'm not being paid to write any of this, I can tell you what I honestly think about these products. And here it is: based on what I've learned from spending more than 5,000 hours studying nutrition and the healing gifts of nature, I believe that these products can not only help prevent nearly every major chronic disease we are seeing in modern society today, but that they can also reverse many of those diseases, especially the early stages of those diseases.

Beyond that, I believe that these products have the potential to even alter the mindset of our population, to bring greater calm and reduce aggression in our population. You see, these products operate at many different levels: the biophysical level, the biochemical level and the bioenergetic level.

Amazon Herb products operate at three levels

At the biophysical level you have products like Fiberzon, which help support peristaltic action in the digestive tract and help clear out waste products that far too many people have sitting around in their large intestine for days at a time. If you can't eliminate waste products from your body, then you are essentially poisoning yourself by reabsorbing your own waste rather than getting rid of it.

At the biochemical level, there are a great many phytochemicals and phytonutrients in the Amazon Herb product line. You'll find a variety of herbs like chanca piedra, una de gato (also known as cat's claw), graviola, jatoba and a great many other herbs that are biochemically active. They demonstrate anticancer activity, immune system enhancement, protection of the liver, the pancreas, the endocrine system, the nervous system, and so on. These phytonutrients help eliminate toxins and protect the body from parasites, bacteria and viruses, and other invaders. These biochemical effects are well-documented if you actually look at the scientific literature on these herbs. This is where most of the potency of these products gets recognized: the biochemical level.

Then there's the bioenergetic level, and that's what I spoke about earlier. And that's what sets these supplements apart from practically everything else on the market. Sure, you can buy cat's claw at any health food store, but where else can you buy cat's claw that has been harvested from its natural environment, that has been blessed by the native peoples from Peru who are harvesting this as part of a sustainable revenue model to protect their homeland, that has been packaged and marketed by a company headed by a person who imparts the intention of healing into his company and product line? Where else can you find an herb like that? Yes, you can find that from local herbalists who make their own healing remedies in small batches, but I don't think you can find it commercially available on a large scale anywhere other than the Amazon Herb Company.

Reversing chronic disease with Amazon Herbs

So you have herbal products that operate on all three levels. With that in mind, you might ask, "What can these products really do? How can they really help me?" And that's a multipart answer. My belief is that these products can actually reverse early stage cancers; they can reconfigure your nervous system; they can eliminate toxins from your system, they can boost immune system function and protect you from viruses; they can boost the antioxidant level in your tissues and circulating in your blood; they can even help reverse heart disease.

They can do all of these things and many more, including providing health benefits for diabetics via blood sugar regulation, reducing insulin resistance, supporting the pancreas and so on. And yet there is a danger in looking at the miracle class properties of herbs like this and relying on them alone to solve your health problems.

Don't get caught drowning in a victim mentality

This is something I've mentioned frequently even when I get excited about herbal products, and that is: to truly heal, you have to look at what decisions in your life got you to the point where you are today. If you're suffering from a chronic disease like heart disease or cancer or diabetes or osteoporosis, then you got there by making a series of decisions over a period of years or decades that had a specific outcome. This outcome is what you are living today. These decisions typically involve how much physical exercise you wish to pursue, what foods you choose to consume, what beverages you drink, what prescription drugs you choose to put into your body, what environments you choose to live in and so on.

These choices got you to where you are today. Along those lines, it is self-deception to suppose that one product or one line of products is going to release you from the responsibility of making good decisions from this day forward. This is where a lot of people get distracted with any herbal product. They think that they're going to be "saved" by these products. What they're thinking, perhaps, at a subconscious level is "Gee, I've spent my whole life damaging my body and now I have this cancer, but thank God this new anti-cancer product is going to come along and save me, and so I'm just going to take that and keep doing all these other bad things in my life that gave me cancer in the first place."

I strongly encourage you to avoid adopting that victim mentality. I encourage you to challenge yourself and begin the healing process (if you haven't already) by altering your lifestyle at the same time that you begin taking a line of nutritional products like these from the Amazon Herb Company. Because what you will find is that no product can replace your choice, no product can make decisions for you. In fact, that thinking is probably what got you into a health problem in the first place, because you may have thought that prescription drugs were going to be the miracle cure for you, and now you've found out that drugs don't cure you, they actually kill you (60,000+ Americans killed by Vioxx alone, according to a study published in The Lancet. And that's just one prescription drug out of thousands...).

The cure for all disease starts within

So now you're looking for a real cure, but if you're looking outside yourself for that cure, that's a mistake. The cure to your health problem is inside you, starting with your beliefs and self responsibility. If you address your own distortions, your own beliefs and your own behavioral choices, and start with that as your foundation, and then add these healing herbs from the Amazon rainforest, you will find that these two strategies multiply each others' effects. And then you will have initiated a sequence of healing effects in your own body that are multiplied by the biophysical, biochemical and bioenergetic healing potential of these herbs and you will be able to overcome practically any disease or condition imaginable.

I don't care if it's chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or fibromyalgia or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or any of these other so-called diseases that are actually nothing but illusions -- they're just names given to a pattern of symptoms because doctors don't know what's wrong with you. I've met so many people who say "I have CFS" and they feel so comfortable that they've been labeled with this disease... they identify themselves with having that disease. What they need to do is get rid of that label and challenge it by saying, "You know, maybe I don't have these diseases. Maybe these are just a bunch of symptoms caused by eating foods containing a lot of toxic ingredients and not taking care of my health."

If you've read any of my work, you know that I study food toxicology and share a lot of information about that, and I can tell you that if you're eating the conventional foods in America, you are poisoning your body. You don't have chronic fatigue syndrome, you have a toxic biochemistry because you've been consuming toxic foods with those ingredients like sodium nitrite, artificial colors, and hydrogenated oils ... the list goes on and on. (See for more.) If you truly want to heal yourself and you want to be successful with the Amazon Herb Company, it's time to get honest with yourself and stop consuming these poisons. Start questioning your beliefs and reformulating them into ones that serve your long term health interests, and then supplement with good nutrition, with healing herbs and with healing foods (garlic, broccoli, berries, raw nuts, etc.)

The Amazon Herb product line can be a very successful part of that transformation. But even those products, as potent as they are, and as much as they are blessed with the energy of healing, even they cannot overcome your own self-sabotage if you choose to pursue the mindset of conventional medicine and American food consumers.

The Amazon Herb product line is a great way to initiate the health transformation process, partly because of the energetic component of these herbs. You will find your energetic shifts to be far easier when you are supported by these herbs.

A community of healers and leaders

If you want to join a community of true healers, people who have a calling to healing themselves and helping heal those around them, then I invite you to get involved with the Amazon Herb Company. This is a company with an energy like no other company I've ever witnessed. I've experienced it first-hand in meeting so many of the people who are involved in this company and talking with Amazon John in person. And if you're really ready for a change that goes beyond just losing weight, eliminating pain, ending inflammation or overcoming some symptom in your body, if you're ready for a true transformation that involves your body, your mind and your spirit, then this is the company for you.

Did I mention that you can earn an honest living with this company? Frankly, the financial component should be the last thing you consider. That's why I haven't even brought it up until now. But this company has a word-of-mouth marketing compensation plan that's very generous and rewards people who share the good news about these products. What a great deal -- you can actually make a living, a good living, while you are sharing information that can help heal and transform the lives of people around you. At the same time, the side effect of all of that is that your actions help create a system of economic renewal for the rainforest that make it more valuable alive than dead. It's a win/win situation for everyone involved. You win, the people around you benefit, the rainforest benefits, the native populations in Peru benefit by being able to earn an honest living by harvesting native plants in their natural environment, and you also win by sharing the energy and intention of healing at many levels.

Is this right for me?

If you're out there reading this and you don't know if the Amazon Herb product line or business opportunity is right for you, then keep reading (and remember, I am not involved with this company in any way, so this is not some clever solicitation). Perhaps you're skeptical about all the good news. I think you're right to be skeptical because it's important to be a discerning, thinking person who intelligently evaluates each opportunity. Let me share something very personal. I wouldn't be spending hours of my time writing about this with absolutely no compensation if I didn't feel passionate about what this can do for the world. This information is something of tremendous value to my readers and to society at large.

The Amazon Herb Company is making a lasting difference. I've been to Peru, I've hiked through the Andes Mountains, I've seen the dwellings in which the local people live -- houses made of mud bricks, basically. I've been approached by children in poverty on the streets of Lima and Cuzco who are desperate to sell me anything as long as they can earn a few cents for the day. The Amazon Herb Company helps give these people new choices, new freedoms and a new future.

I've walked through parts of the Amazon rainforest and I've admired the engineering of nature, up close and personal, one plant at a time. There's a miracle at work in nature. And the Amazon Herb Company helps deliver that miracle to the people in the Western world who need it most.

I've seen people suffering from chronic diseases, spending their life savings on conventional medical treatments, forfeiting their quality of life and time with loved ones. And I've seen others reverse those diseases with medicinal herbs, healing foods, and a transformation in personal beliefs and personal responsibility. The Amazon Herb Company can help people overcome chronic disease and expand their understanding of the true healing potential found inside each of us.

I want to see the Amazon Herb Company succeed

Part of the reason I'm doing this is because I want to see the Amazon Herb Company succeed. I want to see this product in the hands of 10 million Americans in the next 3 years. I'd like to see tens of thousands of acres of rainforest in Peru as part of this program to grow and harvest herbs and bring them to the United States where they can help save lives. And frankly, I'd like to see Amazon John and the other principals of his company receive tremendous rewards for having the courage to step forward and do this, and I don't mean just financial rewards, I mean recognition -- the kind of global recognition that says these are pioneering people who have done something deeply significant for mankind. Nobel Prize recognition.

If I can have a small role to play in this, in multiplying the reach of this company, then I'm more than happy to take on that role. Nothing would make me happier than to have this article read by 10 million people. Nothing would make me happier than to see the smiles on the faces of Peruvians, knowing that their native lands are being protected and that they have a sustainable economic revenue model that not only brings them financial wealth, but that also allows them to share their healing wisdom with a society that desperately needs it -- and that society is ours.

In our modern society, if we want to have any hope whatsoever of overcoming chronic disease, we have to get in touch with nature. We have to embrace companies like the Amazon Herb Company, companies that are doing everything right to recognize and leverage the healing gifts of nature. And that, ultimately, is why I have decided to openly endorse this company. It is a company whose values I share, it is a company with a vision that is aligned with global healing, and it is a company that I think is already accomplishing tremendous good in the world. And yet it has only begun to grow. That's why I invite you to get involved. Be part of it. Be part of something that's bigger than any of us individually. Be part of something that can significantly change the planet at many levels: our cities, societies, our mindset, our sustainable ecosystems... even in our economic thinking and free market theories about what it takes to be financially viable. This is a company that's expanding the paradigms in all those areas, and if you miss out on this opportunity, you'll miss what might be the most exciting and transforming experience of your life.

By the way, if you're already a distributor with the Amazon Herb Company, feel free to use this entire article as part of your educational material. You can run off copies, if you like, or copy this in an email.

I also have a free downloadable ebook about the Amazon Herb Company. Click here to read 3 Steps to Success With the Amazon Herb Company. This is a 3-step guide I wrote to help AHC distributors be more successful. It's yours free.

If you're interested in getting involved with the Amazon Herb Company, you should talk to the person who told you about this article. Or, if you don't know anyone with the company, here's who I recommend [existing AHC distributors, you can replace this entire paragraph with your own contact information]:

Brad Chappell, phone: (520) 808-9022, or email

Finally, let me add in a couple of legal notes. This article was unsolicited and is not endorsed in any way by the Amazon Herb Company. Anything mentioned here about their products is simply my own opinion, and not their official position. I received no funds or free products in exchange for writing this article, and I am not a distributor of the Amazon Herb Company, nor is any person in my family a distributor. I receive no commissions of any kind from the sale of Amazon Herb products. This article is offered as an exercise of my Free Speech rights, through which I am offering information and views on products, people and organizations that I feel are important to cover for reader interest.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Free Book On ADHD- compliments of Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Dear readers,

In the last 30 years, the field of psychiatry has transformed childhood into a disease through the label of ADHD. That's exactly what Dr. Fred Baughman, a pediatric neurologist and fellow of the American Association of Neurologists explores in this downloadable interview from Truth Publishing.

Dr. Baughman is one of the few neurological experts that is willing come forward with the truth about ADHD and the mass drugging of America's children. Have you ever wondered why other countries don't have this explosion of mental illness in their kids? Have you ever wondered why people in your parent's generation didn't have these problems? The answers are all right here in this interview.

Plus, Dr. Baughman shares his latest book on the subject, and a DVD warning to parents about the latest epidemic of childhood diagnosis, who is profiting from it, and how the label could hurt their child for life -- not to mention the risk of heart attack, stroke, drug abuse and all the other side effects that children on ADHD drugs experience.

Read all this and more in "Live with Dr. Fred Baughman," available for downloading now at:

Dr. Baughman shares startling facts such as:

  • What group wants four out of every ten children diagnosed as ADHD
  • How brain "disorders" lack an objective standard
  • Why an ADHD-labeled child will have trouble getting healthcare coverage, getting a job, or getting into the military
  • How diseases are created by a "show of hands"
  • How parents, teachers and school districts are getting paid for ADHD diagnoses
  • How many psychiatric experts are owned by the pharmaceutical industry
  • The law the Bush Administration put into action that will REQUIRE your child to be screened for ADHD
  • Adult ADHD "recruiting" centers where 80 percent are diagnosed as ADHD
  • How the FDA lobbied another country to keep dangerous ADHD drugs on the market after fatalities occured
  • Why your grandparents were never diagnosed with ADHD
  • What percentage of kids walk out of their first psychiatric visit with an ADHD diagnosis
  • How taxpayers foot the bill for every ADHD diagnosis

You'll want to pass this information on to everyone you know with children or grandchildren, so they don't become just another vehicle of profit for the drug industry. The risks are just too great, and too many parents and children have suffered already.

Download "Live with Dr. Fred Baughman" right now and read it for yourself:

To your health,

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Monday, July 03, 2006

Is the vegetarian diet right for you?


Along with the unjustified and unscientific saturated fat and cholesterol scares of the past several decades has come the notion that vegetarianism is a healthier dietary option for people. It seems as if every health expert and government health agency is urging people to eat fewer animal products and consume more vegetables, grains, fruits and legumes. Along with these exhortations have come assertions and studies supposedly proving that vegetarianism is healthier for people and that meat consumption is associated with sickness and death. Several authorities, however, have questioned these data, but their objections have been largely ignored.

As we shall see, many of the vegetarian claims cannot be substantiated and some are simply false and dangerous. There are benefits with vegetarian diets for certain health conditions, and some people function better on less fat and protein, but, as a practitioner who has dealt with several former vegetarians and vegans (total vegetarians), I know full well the dangerous effects of a diet devoid of healthful animal products. It is my hope that all readers will more carefully evaluate their position on vegetarianism after reading this paper. (This is just a bit of an article by Dr. Byrnes. To see his research on each of these issues please follow this link.)

MYTH #1: Meat consumption contributes to famine and depletes the Earth's natural resources.
MYTH #2: Vitamin B12 can be obtained from plant sources.

MYTH #3: Our needs for vitamin D can be met by sunlight.
MYTH #4: The body's needs for vitamin A can be entirely obtained from plant foods.
MYTH #5: Meat-eating causes osteoporosis, kidney disease, heart disease, and cancer.
MYTH #6: Saturated fats and dietary cholesterol cause heart disease, atherosclerosis and/or cancer, and low-fat, low-cholesterol diets are healthier for people.
MYTH #7: Vegetarians live longer and have more energy and endurance than meat-eaters.
MYTH #8: The "cave man" diet was low-fat and/or vegetarian. Humans evolved as vegetarians.
MYTH #9: Meat and saturated fat consumption have increased in the 20th century, with a corresponding increase in heart disease and cancer.
MYTH #10: Soy products are adequate substitutes for meat and dairy products.
MYTH #11: The human body is not designed for meat consumption.
MYTH #12: Eating animal flesh causes violent, aggressive behaviour in humans.
MYTH #13: Animal products contain numerous harmful toxins.
MYTH #14: Eating meat or animal products is less "spiritual" than eating only plant foods.
MYTH #15: Eating animal foods is inhumane.

Click here for the full article by Dr. Stephen Byrnes

Friday, June 16, 2006

Farmgirl Fare

I came accross this blog and realized this was the life I want. This is also what a 'blog' is supposed to be; clear, well written, fun, informative, intertaining and personal.

My rantings tend to be a bit pedantic and preachy and cover areas of life that this lovely soul would probably never need to concern herself with as I believe her life is probably quite full and complete with the living of life in its natural beauty. Yes, I am a bit jealous.

Take some time to spend on her site, get nostalgic, learn a few things and meet her barnyard companions. I know you will have a wonderful time.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I came across this blog as it is the Blogsite of the Month for June at Blog Advance. I have not given much thought to this subject for a couple of years (although I am convinced the research clearly leans toward these conclusions) as I realized my giving energy to the emotions it was creating within me really had nowhere to be released.

You can generally convince people of small, seemingly inconsequential injustices being done to them, but to convince them of life and time changing plots against humanity on such a massive scale is too much for most people to even contemplate. It isn't a matter of researching and believing the government's line, it's a matter of it physically and emotionally hurting to even consider such a thing. It is easier to roll over and go back to sleep and force it out of our minds than to face the facts.

This became evident to me last week when the Pentagon released the videos from the gate taken on 9/11 showing the plane smashing into the side of the Pentagon. Why did it take them this long to release them when I have seen the exact same footage for the past 4 years on sites as proof of conspiracy?

Check it out and draw your own conclusions and then let me know what you think.

Canada Wants The Truth Too: Reopen 9/11 Investigations

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Keeping the internet safe for your family

I can’t express how excited I am to be affiliated with, especially now. Joel Therein and his crew have created a safe haven for our children on the internet. The internet can be a rich source of education and expansion of understanding for growing minds. Children can gain access to knowledge of cultures and traditions they would not have available anywhere else. Now they can enjoy those experiences in a safe, controlled environment.

Parents, this is absolutely free of charge.

Go to and watch the Canadian Television interview.

Finally a safe online audio and video chat system free of predators and hackers. Monitoring your children's online chatting for their safety and your comfort.

The key features of our
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· Allows parents to sleep with ease

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  • Parents can monitor all online activity
  • Chat Logs are kept in a password protected folder that can be stored for parent supervision
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  • will record all audio conversations that
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  • will also automatically send all text chat conversations to a predetermined email address set by you, the parent.
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  • All audio, video and text streams are completely encrypted and password protected. This product is so secure that we even have political governors using a slightly different version of our product to conduct political meetings!

· And more...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Actual Gospel of Jesus Christ (Part 5 of 5)
as presented by the early church

The gospel of God’s Grace.

Acts 20.24: “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” (N.I.V.)

The English word grace translates the Greek word ‘charis’ which means ‘undeserved and unmerited favor’. However, more than merely God viewing mankind’s failings and saying ‘I forgive them’, charis denotes God acting to set things right, regardless of man’s sins. It is the hand of God extended in love to personally execute each stage of redemption, with the exception of forcing man to believe. Why, even the faith is a gift from God. (Eph. 2.8)

For the purposes of our study, we will limit ourselves to the relationship between the gospel message and God’s revelation of His grace.

In Acts 20, Paul is addressing the church in Ephesus before going on to Jerusalem. Verse 21 states, “…solemnly testifying to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus verse we opened with, showing that he understood ‘the gospel of God’s grace’ to be almost solely concerned with tearing down the wall of division between the Jews and gentiles for the purpose of extending salvation to all peoples.

In the book of Romans, Paul expands and clarifies this issue throughout the first 11 chapters. It doesn’t take a degree in theology or 4 years of New Testament Greek to follow Paul’s logic; only to twist it to read the way dispensationalists force it to read.

If you can read English and have at your disposal a reputable translation of the Bible (or preferably several) then you will be able to understand exactly what Paul is trying to say.

Right off Paul states the issue clearly. In Chapter 1 verse 16, Paul says:

“For I am not ashamed of the good news (gospel), for it is God’s power for the salvation of everyone who has faith, of the Jew first and then of the Greek.” (Goodspeed) (also 2.7-16)

Romans 3.22-24 states:

“This righteousness from God comes through faith in Christ Jesus to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justifies freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (N.I.V.)

Furthermore, 4.16 says:

“Therefore, the promise (verse 13) comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring – not only to those who are of the law (2.17-24) but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all.” (N.I.V.)

Please notice; Paul is stating that the promises to Abraham, which were given before the law was given through Moses, were meant for the Jews AND the gentiles and found fulfillment ONLY through Christ and ONLY in the church of God. This is not meant to sound anti-Semitic, which has been a term used against the Amillenialists form time to time. God has clearly included everyone under His condemnation as being sinful, Jew and gentile. He ahs also included everyone under His canopy of grace, Jew and gentile. The only requisite for inclusion in this grace is faith in Christ. Not bloodline, not national origin or religion; only faith in the resurrected Messiah.

I have touched only briefly and lightly in Romans. In order to receive the full brunt of the weight of what I am saying you will need to read the first 11 chapters, carefully and more than once. Not because the truths are hard to come by but because a faulty mind set is difficult to dispel. When I was introduced to this concept it was slow work, wading through the ocean of misconceptions I had learned in the 18 years I had been a believer. But once I realized I had been led astray of the full truth by the many (so called) Bible scholars I had trusted to teach me, the scriptures no longer held any mysteries or seeming contradictions. And you, too, will find it richly rewarding, if you take your blinders off and allow the scriptures to be their own interpreter.

We find an interesting statement in Galatians 5.4:

“You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” (N.I.V.)

From this verse, as well as those studied in Romans, we see that the Jewish legal system, the Mosaic Law, is the antithesis of God’s grace. The law was given to the Jews through Moses; grace was given to the whole world through Jesus Christ.

According to Galatians:

“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law…in order that the blessing to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.” (3.13, 14 N.I.V.)

“What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come.” (3.19)

“If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (3.29)

Listen to what Paul has said. Christ redeemed us in order that the blessing to Abraham might come to the Gentiles! Did Jesus fulfill all he set out to accomplish? Did Jesus leave some portion of his work of salvation to be consummated at some future date? Paul certainly didn’t think so.

· The gospel of the grace of God can be summed up like this.

· God revealed Himself to mankind through a few men in ages past.

· He chose a lineage for His son, the Messiah, to proceed through.

· In Abraham God found the blood line of the savior (Isaac, Judah, David, etc.) as well as the qualifying factor for salvation: Faith.

· The law was enacted to show how wicked the sinfulness of man was and to lead the Jews to Christ, and mankind with them.

· The grace of God was revealed in the act of God sending His son to die as penalty for our sins; the sins of all mankind, Jew and gentile.

The clear teaching of scripture is that salvation was always meant for all peoples, but God chose the children of Israel, Abraham’s descendants, to proclaim that good news. As Galatians 3.7, 8 says:

“Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham. The scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”” (N.I.V.)

By the grace of God the ‘dividing wall of hostility’ was destroyed, Jew and gentile reconciled to God and a ‘new man’ created in Christ. (Eph. 2.11-18) This was God’s eternal purpose, (1.4, 5) and the Jews of Jesus’ time rejected it and bore the condemnation of Christ and the judgment of God.

“Therefore, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute form city to city, that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechia, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. Truly I say to you, all these things shall come upon this generation.” (Matt. 23.34-39 N.A.S.)

Now, and for the remainder of history, only a remnant of the Jewish nation will be saved, and that only through faith, just as the gentile nations.

“In the same way then, there has come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.” (Romans 11.5, 6 N.A.S.)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Actual Gospel of Jesus Christ (Part 4)
as presented by the early church

The promises fulfilled.

Acts 13.23, 33 read, “WE tell you the good news: What God promised our fathers he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus.” (N.I.V.)

As gentile believers in the 20th century, 2000 years removed from the incarnation of Christ, steeped in history and traditions far removed from the simpler Jewish lifestyle of that time, it doesn’t really surprise me that we tend to relegate most of the Old Testament scriptures to a time and a people either long gone or still in the future.

Deeply embedded in dispensational thinking is the idea that God had done something unique, almost unheard of, in building His church. One would get the impression from talking to them that the church was almost an afterthought, something God was pressed into because His chosen ones, the Jews, were rejecting His Messiah. Or that God, because of their rebellion, was forced to set them aside for a while to concentrate on the church, only to return to them after he was finished with the gentiles.

This simply is not true. This is contrary to the clear teaching of scripture and takes some pretty fancy footwork to make the Bible even LOOK like this is what is taught.

Using Acts 13 as a springboard, lets see what scripture has to say on the subject of the church and the Jewish nation, and what part this plays on our study.

Beginning at verse 13 we find Paul preaching on the Sabbath in the Synagogue in Pisidian Antioch. He addresses himself to the ‘men of Israel’ (v.16) and ‘children of Abraham’ (v.26) as well as the gentile converts to Judaism. He begins with an encapsulated history of the nation of Israel up to the advent of the Savior, his death at the hands of the people of Jerusalem and their leaders, and his being raised by God from the dead.

Verse 39 sums up the point of Paul’s message:

“Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the Law of Moses.” (N.I.V.)

Paul and Barnabas are invited back to speak on the following Sabbath, which is recorded in verses 44-48. This time news of Paul’s preaching had spread and almost the entire city came to hear him. This angered the Jews because this was a predominately gentile city in a gentile country, Galatia in Asia Minor.

Verses 45-47 read, “But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were very jealous, and they contradicted what Paul said and abused him. Then Paul and Barnabas spoke out plainly, and said, “God’s message had to be told to you first, but since you thrust it off and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, we now turn to the heathen. For these are the orders the Lord has given us: I have made you a light for the heathen, to be a means of salvation to the very ends of the earth!”” (Goodspeed)

The message of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection as fulfillment of prophecy is the good news, the gospel; but no less is the message that the good news of salvation was to be extended to the Gentiles as fulfillment of prophecy. All inclusive salvation, complete with birthrights and full privileges of sonship.

Acts 3.25, 26 reads, “You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’ To you first, God, having raised up his Servant Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you you’re your iniquities.” (N.K.J.V.)

Peter here was addressing the Jews in Jerusalem long before his dealings with Cornelius and his revelation concerning calling anything unclean that God called clean. This is true. However, this narrative was compiled by Luke, a Gentile believer and close companion of Paul. Furthermore, although Peter may not have understood all the implications, he certainly knew God was desirous of somehow extending salvation to the Gentiles as he had surely heard the stories of the prophecies regarding the Christ (Luke 2.32, 3.6), his ministry before meeting Peter (Luke 4.24-27), as well as the years he spent physically traveling with Jesus, listening to his teachings (Matt. 8.10-13, 21.42-44, 23.35-39).

The importance of Acts 3.25, 26 is expanded in the teaching of Paul, not only in Acts, (26.6, 28.20, 28) but in nearly every epistle or letter he wrote he deals with this truth. However, possibly nowhere does he deal with it more bluntly or forcefully than in Galatians, written to the same people he was addressing in Acts 13.

Paul begins his letter by making sure the Galatian believers (most of whom were gentiles) understood how thoroughly believing his gospel and following Christ were intertwined. If you followed another gospel, a different gospel than taught by Paul in the beginning, you were turning away from Christ (1.6-9).

“I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you, and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even though we, or an angel form heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed.” (N.A.S.)

He goes on to state that the gospel he taught had not come to him through learning, not taught to him by men, but came to him be revelation of Jesus Christ (1.11, 12) with the purpose of outreach to the gentiles (v. 16).

Chapter 2, verses 11-21, give us not only an example of the deception of not being ‘straightforward about the truth of the gospel’ (v. 14), but also gives us some indication of the problem the Galatian churches were facing: Jewish legalism.

Paul destroys the arguments for legalism with his gospel, which in brief states:

· We have died to the law to live in Christ. (2.19, 21; 3.19)

· We are saved by faith and heirs of the promises of God through Abraham. (3.6, 8, 14-18)

· We, as believers, ‘are sons of Abraham’ (3.7), ‘sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus’ (3.26), ‘Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise’ (3.29)

What an incredible revelation. We, as gentile believers, are joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8.17), but even more:

“…as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Rom. 8.14) “…those who are the children of the flesh (the Jews), these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.” (Rom. 9.8) “Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.” (Gal. 3.7) “And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal.3.29)

I hope you can see the importance of what Paul is saying. There are no promises or salvation for the nation of Israel outside of Jesus Christ! God has taken the believing Jews (the remnant) and believing gentiles and, through Jesus, has made a new man of the two, reconciling us both in one body through the cross. (Ephesians 2.14-22)

“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.” 14-18 (N.I.V.)