Sunday, September 23, 2007
"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an underground dictatorship... To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science.
All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a republic... The Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."
--Dr Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of
Licensing practitioners to protect the public and hold practitioners accountable is often taken for granted … Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman wrote:
"... I am persuaded that licensure has reduced both the quantity and quality of medical practice...It has reduced the opportunities for people to become physicians, it has forced the public to pay more for less satisfactory service, and it has retarded technological development...I conclude that licensure should be eliminated as a requirement for the practice of medicine."(1)
Nobel Prize-winning economist George J. Stigler of the
"As a rule, regulation is acquired by the industry and is designed and operated primarily for its benefit".(2)
Lori B. Andrews, Professor of Law and Norman and Edna Freehling Scholar, Chicago-Kent College of Law, wrote:
"Licensing has served to channel the development of health care services by granting an exclusive privilege and high status to practitioners relying on a particular approach to health care, a disease-oriented intrusive approach rather than a preventive approach....By granting a monopoly to a particular approach to health care, the licensing laws may serve to assure an ineffective health care system."(3)
Ron Paul, MD, a practicing obstetrician and a Congressman from
Let us allow physicians, hospitals and schools to spring up where they're needed, abolish the restrictive licensure laws, and simply invoke the laws against fraud to insure honesty among all providers of health care...That will make health care affordable for everyone..."(4)
The idea of deregulating health practitioners may seem extreme. Let us examine why it is not as radical as it may sound.
View the entire article here.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
(Please, if you have children or even know anyone with children you owe it to them to watch this movie)
In the absence of any objective medical tests to determine who has ADD or ADHD, doctors rely in part on standardized assessments and the impressions of teachers and guardians while the treatments they administer leave little room for other causes or aggravating factors, such as diet, or environment. Hence, diagnosing a child or adolescent with ADD or ADHD is often the outcome, although no organic basis for either disease has yet to be clinically proven. Psychiatrists may then prescribe psychotropic drugs for the children without first making it clear to parents that these medications can have severe side-effects including insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, psychotic symptoms and even potentially fatal adverse reactions, such as cardiac arrhythmia. And yet, despite these dangers, many school systems actually work with government agencies to force parents to drug their children, threatening those who refuse with the prospect of having their children taken from the home unless they cooperate.
If you found this informative I highly recommend you go here for more from Gary Null.
Psychiatric Drug Use In Toddlers Soars -- More Kids Ages 2 to 4 On Ritalin, Antidepressants

I am incredibly impressed with the amount of information this non-partisan research group puts at our fingertips. They have dedicated 16 years and several millions of dollars to researching and making available to you every aspect of your public officials actions. Do you want to find out your congress persons voting record on any given issue? Its here. What have they said (in congress or anywhere in print) about an issue? Yup, they have it here. If you care enough to vote you owe it to yourself to take advantage of their website...and then let everyone you love know about it as well.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
Thomas PaineUS patriot & political philosopher (1737 - 1809)
The absolute, glaring sensibility of this statement, as well as the vital importance of holding to this foundational truth even in a time of ‘war’ (keeping in mind we are not in a constitutionally sanctioned war with anyone, least of all Iraq) makes this article absolutely essential reading. I would like to thank truthout for publishing this article first brought out in The Independent UK.
Al-Jazeera Man "Close to Death" at Guantanamo Bay
By Robert Verkaik The Independent UK
Thursday 13 September 2007
An al-Jazeera journalist captured in Afghanistan six years ago and sent to Guantanamo Bay is close to becoming the fifth detainee at the US naval base to take his own life, according to a medical report written by a team of British and American psychiatrists.
Sami al-Haj, a Sudanese national, is 250 days into a hunger strike which he began in protest over his detention without charge or trial in January 2002. But British and American doctors, who have been given exclusive access to his interview notes, say there is very strong evidence that he has given up his fight for life, experiencing what doctors recognise as "passive suicide", a condition suffered by female victims of Darfur.
Dr Dan Creson, a US psychiatrist who has worked with the United Nations in Darfur, said Mr Haj was suffering from severe depression and may be deteriorating to the point of imminent death.
He said the detainee's condition was similar to that of Darfuri women in Sudan whose mind suddenly experiences an irreversible decline after enduring months of starvation and abuse. He said: "In the midst of rape, slow starvation, and abject humiliation, they did whatever they could to survive and save their children; then, suddenly, something happened in their psyche, and, without warning, they would just sit down with their small children beneath the first small area of available shade and with no apparent emotion wait for death."
In June this year a Saudi man became the fourth prisoner to take his own life at Guantanamo Bay. Guards found him dead in his cell. Two Saudis and a Yemeni prisoner were found hanged in an apparent suicide at Guantanamo in June last year. A senior US officer caused outrage at the time by describing the suicides of three men as an act of asymmetric warfare and a good PR move on the part of terrorist suspects.
Mr Haj, 38, was sent on assignment by al-Jazeera television station to cover the war in Afghanistan in October 2001. The following month, after the fall of Kabul, Mr Haj left Afghanistan for Pakistan with the rest of his crew.
In early December, the crew were given visas to return to Afghanistan. But when Mr Haj tried to re-enter Afghanistan with his colleagues, he was arrested by the Pakistani authorities - apparently at the request of the US military.
He was imprisoned, handed over to the US authorities in January 2002, taken to the US military compound in Bagram, Afghanisatan, then Kandahar, and finally to Guantanamo in June 2002.
His lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, of the human rights charity Reprieve, said his client had endured months of brutal force-feeding and lost nearly a fifth of his body weight during the hunger strike.
Mr Stafford Smith said: "The US military is rightly afraid of a fifth prisoner dying in their custody. But they wrongly respond by treating prisoners worse. Blankets and clothes are removed in case they are used to commit suicide. The harshest methods of forced feeding are deployed - Sami has suffered the feeding tube being forced down into his lungs by mistake several times."
The warning about the condition of Mr Haj coincided with the release of Guantanamo transcripts which describe the hostility between guards and their prisoners. The transcripts includes details of guards interrupting detainees at prayer, detainees flinging body waste at guards and interrogators withholding medicine.
Dr Hugh Rickards, a British psychiatrist, warned in his report that the level of Mr Haj's mental suffering "appears so acute that it is my duty as a medical practitioner to put this in writing to ensure appropriate assessment and treatment".
Dr Mamoun Mobayed, a British psychiatrist based in Northern Ireland, and a third member of the team who has also been given access to written notes of recent interviews with the prisoner, said there was also concern about the mental health of Mr Haj's wife and seven-year-old son, who was just one when his father went on assignment to Afghanistan.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Are you taking Pharmaceutical Drugs?
You will want to check the side effects, food interactions and dangers of trusting your doctors advice. Mike Adams has put together a powerful tool for just this purpose.
Are you aware that:
- Gemfibrozil has been shown to reduce both Co-Q10 and vitamin E levels with long term use to levels found in healthy men.
- Chasteberry can theoretically interfere with Provera due to its hormonal properties.
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- These herbs have cardiac properties which may increase cardiac side effects of Viagra: black hellebore, calamus, cereus, cola, coltsfoot, devil's claw, European mistletoe, fenugreek, fumitory, digitalis leaf, hedge mustard, figwort, lily of the valley roots, motherwort, pleurisy root, squill bulb leaf scales, white horehound, mate, scotch broom flower, shepherd's purse, and wild carrot.