Saturday, August 25, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Summit Prompts Super Government Fears
08-20-2007 Washington Times By Jon Ward - OTTAWA -- President Bush's two-day summit with the leaders of Canada and Mexico, beginning today in nearby Montebello, is raising fears among some conservatives that the three governments are planning a European Union-style super-government.
Concerns about such an agreement and where it could lead started on Web sites and among talk-radio hosts, picked up by CNN commentator Lou Dobbs and gained traction among some of the House Republicans who successfully derailed Mr. Bush's immigration-reform plan, which critics described as an amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens in the United States. READ MORE
China To Install Sensors Along NAFTA Highway
08-19-2007 WND Jerome Corsi | Radio sensing stations to track traffic and cargo up and down the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway corridor are being installed by Communist China, operating through a port operator subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa, in conjunction with Lockheed Martin and the North America's SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc.
The idea is that RFID chips placed in containers where manufactured goods are shipped from China will be able to be tracked to the Mexican ports on the Pacific where the containers are unloaded onto Mexican trucks and trains for transportation on the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway to destinations within the United States. READ MORE
Behavior Detection Officers Watching Travelers
08-20-2007 Mcclatchy WASHINGTON | Next time you go to the airport, more eyes may be following you than you notice.
Reading your body language. Studying the facial cues of the passenger in front of you. Scanning for signs of bad intentions, the watcher could be the attendant who hands you the tray for your laptop or the one standing behind the ticket checker. Or even curbside with the baggage attendants.
Called behavior detection officers, they are part of recent security upgrades, Transportation Security Administrator Kip Hawley told an aviation industry group in Washington last month, "a wonderful tool to be able to identify and do risk management prior to somebody coming into the airport or approaching the crowded checkpoint." READ MORE
Partnership viewed as a threat to sovereignty
Montreal Gazette | August 20, 2007 SIKANDER HASHMI A coalition of Canadian, American and Mexican energy workers' unions and nine lobby groups yesterday denounced the Security and Prosperity Partnership discussed by leaders of the three countries in Montebello, as a threat to each nation's energy sovereignty.
The Montebello meeting is a trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity among the three countries through greater co-operation and information sharing. READ MORE
Head of GAO Issues Dire Warning to President Bush: Learn From the Fall of Rome
Jeremy Grant Financial Times August 14, 2007 - The US government is on a 'burning platform' of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon, the country's top government inspector has warned.
David Walker, comptroller general of the US, issued the unusually downbeat assessment of his country's future in a report that lays out what he called "chilling long-term simulations".
These include "dramatic" tax rises, slashed government services and the large-scale dumping by foreign governments of holdings of US debt.
Drawing parallels with the end of the Roman empire, Mr Walker warned there were "striking similarities" between America's current situation and the factors that brought down Rome, including "declining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government". READ MORE
Saturday, August 18, 2007

How Gullible Do They Think We Are?
(from an article by Cosmicbear published in 2002)
Imagine, if you will, going on a blind date set up for you by a dear and trusted friend. You arrive on time at the specified restaurant, dressed to kill: new clothes, fresh haircut; you are looking sharp and feeling good…and no one shows up. The next day you call your friend who is quick to explain your date’s reason for not showing, whether it was work or traffic or whatever. But the person is truly sorry and wants to meet you tonight, at the same place and time, if that meets with your approval. Lets say you agree, and you are there on time ‘dressed to the nines’ once again, and again your date is a no show.
How many times would you put yourself through this scenario before you began to question this person’s veracity, or your friend’s integrity, for that matter? In a very real sense this was the position the early Church found themselves in concerning the promise of the return of their leader, Jesus. In the study of the Gospels we see the early followers expecting him to come back soon, and the longer it took the more elaborate the later writers explanations became, until finally they had to strip the Old Testament Scriptures of all sense and reason in order to establish a time frame for the still eminent return of their hero.
Down through the centuries there have been multitudes of Church leaders that have set hundreds of dates, and each and every one has been wrong. To name a few:
1889-The Jehovah’s Witnesses claimed, “The ‘battle of the great day of God Almighty’ (Rev.16:14) which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth’s present rulership, is already commenced.” The Time Is At Hand pg. 101.
1897-also, “Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874 A.D.” Studies in the Scriptures Vol. 4, pg 621, 1897 ed.
1916-“The six great 1000-year days beginning with Adam are ended, and the great 7th day, the 1000 years of Christ’s reign, began in 1873.” The Time Is At Hand pg. 2.
1920-“Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old.” Millions Now Living Will Never Die pg. 89.
1931-it seems some had come to their senses, as stated in the publication Vindication pg. 338 and 339; “There was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah’s faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1914, 1918 & 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time…and they also learned to quit fixing dates.”
Or did they?
1966-“Six thousand years from man’s creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E. (Common Era).” Life Everlasting pg 29.
1968-“There are only about 90 months before 6000 years of mans existence on earth is completed. The majority of people living today will probably be alive when Armageddon breaks out.” KM 3/68
One has to wonder, how can there still be so many Jehovah’s Witnesses. I don’t care how much I love my friend; if that ‘date’ has not shown up in over a hundred years, chances are my friend is a liar.
However, this line of thought isn’t strictly limited to this little section of Christianity. It has become a focal point of most fundamentalist theology since J.N. Darby took the first wobbly steps toward modern day dispensationalism in the nineteenth century. The majority of Christian Denominations today have developed rather extensive doctrinal statements concerning the end times, many of them disagreeing on nearly every point. It seems the only point they agree on is that Jesus will return to earth. In the clouds? Maybe. On the Mount of Olives? Perhaps. When? Your guess is as good as mine…literally. Aside from the Seventh Day Adventist’s of the nineteenth century and the ‘pre-tribulation rapture’ movements that have filled the Christian bookshelves and airwaves since the early 70’s, this ‘date setting’ trend has become popular in any religion that is based on an eschatological (1) basis, including many aspects of the New Age movement.
For instance, in a magazine called Connecting Link, in issue 22, dated January/February of 1994, we find on pgs. 24 and 25, an advertisement by I AM AMERICA out of Payson Az., which publishes a bunch of books concerning earth changes prophesied to occur some time in the future which were channeled from St. Germain, Sananda, and an army of other masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy through Lori Wilkins Toye and her husband Len. They have also created a map of the United States showing the end result, including a new shoreline just above Phoenix. In the ad the question is asked, “When will this happen?” The answer they give is, “The unique message of this map goes beyond predicting earthquakes, volcanoes and sinking lands. It isn’t concerned about when this is going to happen, rather what are we going to do with our choices now.” This would seem to be the appropriate response to any question regarding the timing of ‘god’, or the Universe, or anyone claiming to speak for them. But let’s hold our applause. In their book New World Atlas, which was published in 1991, we find very specific timelines for very specific catastrophes. For instance, on December 17, 1988, concerning the sinking of central Oregon, it is stated, “They are indicating the first event occurring in the year 1992…and the final events are in 2000.” In a session on December 21, concerning the sinking of the Rockies near Denver, “Q-So that mountain range will not be there by 2000 then? A-No.” There are several other predictions with precise times stated, but these two will make my point. It comes as no surprise, then, that between the time the book was published and the advertisement came out in the magazine, about three uneventful years, the authors had to scale down the importance of the dates for the sake of credibility.
In 1986 Yvonne Cole began channeling a group of ET’s known as the Ashtar Command. In the early 90’s they (or ‘she’) made it known through an endless succession of articles in the Connecting Link that in the latter part of 1994 they would be unveiling themselves to humanity using the latest technology. As they were already in contact with the national leaders throughout the world, this coming out party would be broadcast with their full approval on every TV and radio station worldwide. These messages were carried for a couple of years in the Connecting Link magazine. The excuse they gave in 1995 was that we weren’t ready for such a grand event.
This next article, also from the January/February issue of Connecting Link, is under the title ‘News Bulletin from Mission Control.’ Now mind you, this is a direct quote from a person that expects you to take this seriously, although if I wrote a comical sci-fi novel I would have included this as part of the plot line. “The governing extraterrestrial councils of this planetary mission have interceded in the official schedule of catastrophes and have changed the changes. Instead of catapulting California into the ocean, a decision was recently made to keep it. In a close vote it was decided to preserve California “as is” and turn it into a theme park-a place to take your children on a tour of the old civilization and scare them, after you explain to them what “being scared” means.” Alright, so maybe Ashtar Command and Mission Control couldn’t decide what to do with California and therefore neither did anything and they both decided to take a vacation with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
These are some of the questions we need to ask ourselves: How many times do we allow someone to lie to us before we no longer trust them? If someone is channeling information that proves to be false, could they simply be hearing voices in their heads? If thirty people channel thirty energies and get thirty totally conflicting sets of facts, do we just pick a name out of a hat to see which is right? Is there a right or wrong? Do we have to give up our reasoning faculties to be spiritual? Can someone you trust in most things simply be wrong about something without losing your respect?
I will leave you with this quote from a little book called The Key, published by A Center for the Practice of Zen Buddhist Meditation. “A rat in a laboratory learns very quickly not to go down the tunnel if there is no longer cheese at the other end. A human being will continue to go down the tunnel even though there’s never been any cheese at the end.”
Note (1) - (es·cha·tol·o·gy n. 1. The branch of theology that is concerned with the end of the world or of humankind. 2. A belief or a doctrine concerning the ultimate or final things, such as death, the destiny of humanity, the Second Coming, or the Last Judgment.)
For a Catholic take on the Rapture go here.
Friday, August 03, 2007
“All cellular structures become alive through electrolytic activity. Life begins with electrolytes. Trace minerals carry the life force in our bodies more than any other substance.” Dr. Bernard Jensen
Summer is upon us now, with its heat and activity; vacations and fun; travel and play … did I mention the heat?
Although proper nutrition is important any time of year it is vital during the hot summer months. An imbalance of nutrients (specifically the minerals and trace minerals) in our blood stream and cellular structure can lead to a wide variety of symptoms and maladies which would include:
• irregular heartbeat (tachycardia)
• irritability
• fatigue
• lethargy
• heavy, labored breathing
• muscle twitching and/or seizures
• nausea, abdominal cramping, and/or vomiting
• headache
• edema (swelling)
• muscle weakness and/or tremor
• paralysis
• disorientation
• slowed breathing
• seizures
• coma
• death
These macro and micro minerals are commonly known as ‘electrolytes’ and are often called the spark of life. Technically, electrolytes are substances that become ions in solution and acquire the capacity to conduct electricity. These ionized molecules are found throughout the blood, tissues, and cells of the body. These molecules, which are either positive (cations) or negative (anions), conduct an electric current and help to balance pH and acid-base levels in the body. Electrolytes also facilitate the passage of fluid between and within cells through a process known as osmosis and play a part in regulating the function of the neuromuscular, endocrine, and excretory systems.
The serum electrolytes include:
• Sodium (Na). A positively charged electrolyte that helps to balance fluid levels in the body and facilitates neuromuscular functioning.
• Potassium (K). A main component of cellular fluid, this positive electrolyte helps to regulate neuromuscular function and osmotic pressure.
• Calcium (Ca). A cation, or positive electrolyte, that affects neuromuscular performance and contributes to skeletal growth and blood coagulation.
• Magnesium (Mg). Influences muscle contractions and intracellular activity. A cation.
• Chloride (CI). An anion, or negative electrolyte, that regulates blood pressure.
• Phosphate (HPO4). Negative electrolyte that impacts metabolism and regulates acid-base balance and calcium levels.
• Bicarbonate (HCO3). A negatively charged electrolyte that assists in the regulation of blood pH levels. Bicarbonate insufficiencies and elevations cause acid-base disorders (i.e., acidosis, alkalosis).
With that in mind, it may cross your mind to ask, “But don’t we get these in the foods we eat?” The simple answer would be…no! Unless your diet consists primarily of fresh, raw or lightly cooked organic fruits and veggies, or take a high quality food based multiple vitamin/mineral supplement, chances are you are starting off the summer with a moderate to severe shortage of electrolytes. Below you will see the results to a study presented in THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 7, Number 2, 2001, pp. 161–173 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. titled:
Nutritional Quality of Organic Versus Conventional Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains
Results: Organic crops contained significantly more vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus and significantly less nitrates than conventional crops. There were non-significant trends showing less protein but of a better quality and a higher content of nutritionally significant minerals with lower amounts of some heavy metals in organic crops compared to conventional ones.
Conclusions: There appear to be genuine differences in the nutrient content of organic and conventional crops.
But these findings aren’t anything new. Below are some quotes from a Senate Document #264 released in 1936:
"Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come from are brought into proper mineral balance ?"
"The alarming fact is that foods-fruits and vegetables-grains now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain minerals, are starving matter how much of them we eat!"
"Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs and even the milk and meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health..."
"It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99 percent of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in DISEASE. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, and shorten our lives".
"We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and that each of them is important for the normal function of some special structure of the body. Disorder and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and that in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless".
"Our soils which are seriously deficient in trace minerals, cannot produce plant life competent to maintain our needs, and with the continuous cropping and shipping away of those trace minerals and concentrates, the condition becomes worse".
Your next question will undoubtedly be, “How can I protect myself and my family during the summer months?” Here are a few general suggestions and products that can help you beat the heat:
• For general health everyone needs to consume half their body weight in ounces of pure delicious water. This means, if you weigh 100 pounds you should drink 50 ounces of water per day. Naturally you will need more according to your physical activities and general health. For instance, anyone that suffers from respiratory ailments can expel as much as 4 quarts of water per day through their mouth and unless they are replenishing this liquid they can suffer dehydration and electrolyte depletion.
• Organically grown fruits and vegetables, predominately the ‘greens’, provide much in the way of a balanced mineral profile. Eating lush, cooling salads and raw or lightly cooked varieties of veggies is a delicious way to stay cool as well as recharged.
• Alacer’s Emergen-C and Electro Mix…nearly everyone knows this company.
• I would like to take a minute to introduce you to Cellfood by Lumina Health. Cellfood is a proprietary super-energized complex concentrate of 78 trace minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and dissolved oxygen held in a negatively-charged suspension utilizing deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen. Its inventor, the legendary Everett Storey, called Cellfood an electromagnetic equation. Since the blood and lymph fluid are colloidal and negatively charged, the synchronicity between Cellfood and these vital fluids assures the bioavailability of Cellfood's nutrients to every cell in the body. It not only provides the nutrients the cells require, it also provides oxygen.
Visit you local health food market for these supplements and organic produce, preferably local grown.