Friday, June 16, 2006

Farmgirl Fare

I came accross this blog and realized this was the life I want. This is also what a 'blog' is supposed to be; clear, well written, fun, informative, intertaining and personal.

My rantings tend to be a bit pedantic and preachy and cover areas of life that this lovely soul would probably never need to concern herself with as I believe her life is probably quite full and complete with the living of life in its natural beauty. Yes, I am a bit jealous.

Take some time to spend on her site, get nostalgic, learn a few things and meet her barnyard companions. I know you will have a wonderful time.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I came across this blog as it is the Blogsite of the Month for June at Blog Advance. I have not given much thought to this subject for a couple of years (although I am convinced the research clearly leans toward these conclusions) as I realized my giving energy to the emotions it was creating within me really had nowhere to be released.

You can generally convince people of small, seemingly inconsequential injustices being done to them, but to convince them of life and time changing plots against humanity on such a massive scale is too much for most people to even contemplate. It isn't a matter of researching and believing the government's line, it's a matter of it physically and emotionally hurting to even consider such a thing. It is easier to roll over and go back to sleep and force it out of our minds than to face the facts.

This became evident to me last week when the Pentagon released the videos from the gate taken on 9/11 showing the plane smashing into the side of the Pentagon. Why did it take them this long to release them when I have seen the exact same footage for the past 4 years on sites as proof of conspiracy?

Check it out and draw your own conclusions and then let me know what you think.

Canada Wants The Truth Too: Reopen 9/11 Investigations